COVID Second Wave 2020

COVID resilience

A new July COVID outbreak in Melbourne has shocked the City.

What was in short supply this week wasn’t only toilet paper in supermarkets but resilience. At our health service ( plans for re-establishing group programs were shelved. Patients were more worried and sometimes aggressive. Yet, the doors stayed open and we practised resilience.

At AccessHC, we all started wearing our badges (designed by staff) to promote good anti-COVID behaviours. I wore our bright yellow “I’m keeping my distance” Badge on my morning walk. I was quite unsure about it. I didn’t even have my cap to hide my face. The results were lots of smiles as people saw it, two groups separated when they saw it and also some positive comments were made. I didn’t want to hide my face by the end of the walk.

Maybe we did not try hard enough as a community to message the distancing and gathering first time around. Now we have a second chance. Like Lorenz said: A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a Tornado in Texas. So just maybe a badge-led COVID recovery is possible. Email if you want to take part!
#covid #healthcare #resilience #communication #chaostheory


COVID first wave 2020