

Fresh Strategy is to help organisations have winning strategies.  Fresh Strategy helps discover and test new strategy journeys. Scroll down for details…


The beginning

It all begins with an idea. If you are a new business looking for a way forward, maybe looking for someone to help put together the initial business plan. More likely you are an existing organisation, you have a strategic plan but dont know if its the right one or you are ready to review it and want some help. The current strategy maybe just doesnt seem to be working and a fresh approach is needed. Click on “contact” and lets set up a chat

The analytics

Its best to have the relevant facts and the lay of the land before launching into strategy development. Its more than just data but also what it means. Setting up key questions is critical. Looking into the future with information from a range of sources including existing information, and new information from relevant stakeholders and competitors. I can help pull this together to provide a unique background for strategy development.

The development

Even with the appropriate background data and modelling there are still lots of decisions to be made. Defining purpose is key. This may involve engaging a range of stakeholders. It also involves taking the time to explore different options and opportunities. I can help Boards and Executive teams brainstorm and distill the information to define strategic pathways. I can also help in risk analysis and mitigation. Its not about innovation but about being at the right place at the right time with the right offering.

The Launch

When the strategy is clear then how to pull it all together to engage those who will have to implement it. How to create a sense of shared ownership and purpose. This requires substantial design and engagement work and a plan of how to embed the strategy into the organisation’s and individual’s work .


Even the greatest strategy will fail if its implementation is not handled well. I recommend all those entrusted with implementation consider doing the Brightline Initiative program. This is sponsored by the Project Management institute of the USA and covers the fundamentals of strategy implementation. It is online and I can assist as a mentor/tutor if that is required.


Did the strategy hit the mark? I can help organisations do an independent review of their strategy through an interactive analysis with Boards and Executives or a concise strategy evaluation report