
About me

I have learnt from failures and basked in successes. This experience can deliver results. See LinkedIn. Scroll down for more…


Executive Learnings

I have always been interested in learning. Some great experiences have been Model Thinking online at University of Michigan, USA a truly eye opening course . Then the residential Performance Measurement for non profits at Harvard University and several visits to INSEAD in France for Innovating in Health Care and Blue Ocean Strategy, the residential home of the Blue Ocean. INSEAD was the most energizing experience equipping me with many of the tools for Fresh Strategy which I have put into practice.

Starting up

It all begins with an idea. Some of the start ups that I have led include RDDT a pharnaceutical testing company meeting OECD and FDA standards, now taken over by another company; novel at the time degree programs at University which continue, and smaller joint ventures based on strategic relationships such as Connect4 health.

Not for profit

I am an alumnus of Leadership Victoria where I completed the now archived Experience Bank Program and in pro bono capacity led a school merger over a few years. I was CEO of Access Health and Community a nfp health service . My work has consolidated several community services under its banner in Eastern Melbourne.

I have a commitment to provide pro bono Fresh Strategy services to not for profits in Australia and Internationally and this includes a passion for school education.


The Medical Researcher

PhD; 5 Research Fellowships Australia and Germany, supervised 24 Masters and PhD’s; NH&MRC and commercial research contracts Australia, UK, Japan. Discoveries in neuroscience and cardiovascular pharmacology. Life member two academic societies HBPRCA and ASCEPT. Researched at University of Melbourne, University of Freiburg, Prince Henrys Institute/Monash University, RMIT.

The University Executive

Department Head, inaugural Head of School (RMIT, 10 years) merging several academic Departments. Establishing new undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, creating new research initiatives, commissioning new teaching and research facilities, developing international connections: China, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan. Former President of ASCEPT. Led UNESCO Theme of Pharmacology for international EOLSS initiative.


The Health Service CEO

Former CEO at Access Health and Community a not for profit health service. I have developed and implemented a strategy of partnering and community focus. This embeds a growth mentaility with focus and purpose. In innovation developed a partnership with Swinburne University with a range of strategic successes. and projects: social prescribing; new communication tools and an enduring partnership model.